Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Equilibrium Is The Force That Drives Society Towards Its Ultiimate End.

According to the Human Civilization Equilibrium diagram, the strongest of ‘ends’ is equilibrium. The next strongest ‘ends’ are harmony and reciprocity and symmetry even though they also have strong ‘means’ characteristics.

It is true that equilibrium is highly regarded as an ends but it is more accurate to regard it as the force that always drives society towards the ultimate end. The ultimate end for humans, since we are social beings in addition to our reality as spiritual beings, is social cooperation. “As social cooperation is the great means of achieving nearly all our individual ends, this means can be thought of as itself the moral goal to be achieved.” [34] With this in mind re-examine the Human Civilization Equilibrium diagram and notice how all of the means: Harmony/Reciprocity/Symmetry; plus Morality/Ethics, Economy/Liberty, Law/Justice, and Order/Peace, serve to bring about and fortify social cooperation as driven by the force of equilibrium.
[34] Henry Hazlitt, The Foundations of Morality, (The Foundation For Economic Education, Inc., 1998), pp. xi.
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